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Wow, what an incredible weekend we had last month at our first ever women’s conference! We had SUCH a sweet time of worship, fellowship, the Word, prayer, and ministry from the Holy Spirit. We have heard so many testimonies from ladies whom the Holy Spirit touched in just the way they needed. Friday night, Christy Torres opened with her testimony and the Lord ministered deep healing to many hearts even while she was still speaking. We thank the Lord for healing identities and wounds. He loves us!! Thank you, Christy, for what you have pioneered. Thank you for rising up, for giving your yes, and for everything you deposited in these ladies. It was beautiful! Jenn Phillips came in from Dallas for the weekend. We were so thankful to have her with us. She deposited so much into us over the conference. The word she brought was so practical on how to enter His rest, how to come away with the Lord, and how to guide our emotions into a place of worship and praise. We’ve had many ladies start her Bible study: “Know Who You Are In Christ”. We love seeing that! If you have not been able to get a copy yet, we believe it will be such a good resource and great foundation for having a firm identity in Jesus! You can email us to purchase a copy we have in stock for $15, or purchase off of amazon:

Know Who You Are In Christ Book By Jenn Phillips
Buy Now

Saturday, Mama Gail closed with a powerful session on remembering what the Lord has said and holding onto His words until they come to pass in our lives. So many were infused with hope and were healed from disappointment and discouragement. We were encouraged to RECORD what the Lord speaks to us and frequently pray over the promises He’s given us. He is faithful to accomplish what He has promised! To close out the weekend, our team was able to pray over each one in attendance, and so many were touched with the presence and power of the Lord. We loved and enjoyed this weekend with these ladies so much that we didn’t want it to end! To all of the beautiful ladies who came, THANK YOU! We love you and we pray that you continue to ARISE into all He has called you to as powerful warriors in His kingdom! You are called for such a time as this!

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