GGG 2021 tent revival

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GGG 2021 Oneness

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GGG 2021- “Oneness” We’re so excited for this year’s tent revival!!

Every summer since 2014, we have held an old-fashioned tent revival- complete with worship, preaching, personal ministry, and amazing barbecue!

So many lives have been touched over the years at this weekend. We’re so thankful that many have found it to be a turning-point in their walk with God. Others have been refreshed and given renewed vision for what God has called them to. We pray that every person that comes goes deeper in their relationship with Jesus.

All throughout 2020 and into 2021 we have seen a hunger ignited in the body of Christ.

We have no doubt GGG 2021 in Waterman, Illinois will be a special time together in the presence of the Lord.

We are honored to host Sean & Christa Smith, William Hinn, & Dr. Solomon Kepkey as this year’s speakers. Each of these men and women steward the presence of God and we know you will leave hungering to know Jesus better after you’ve heard the word they bring.

JOIN US July 23-25, 2021 in Waterman, Illinois.

Friday Night: 7pm

Saturday: 9am-10pm

Sunday: 10am-1pm

Admission is free! A love offering will be taken. If you would like to contribute towards this event, click here:


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Text to Give:
Text GGG and dollar amount to +1 (630) 333-1799

All donations are tax-deductible.

2 meals Saturday and 1 meal Sunday are provided. There will be gluten free options. (Suggested food donation $10 per adult.)

If you need overnight accommodations, we recommend: Holiday Inn in Yorkville (35 minute drive from tent meeting and located next to our favorite coffee shop, GRACE!)

Shabbona Forest Preserve (For camping- 15 minute drive from tent meeting. We recommend booking early as they fill up fast.)


Sean and Christa Smith Tent Revival Speakers

Sean & Christa Smith

Sean is the founder and President of Sean & Christa Smith Ministries. With over 30 years of ministry experience. . .

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William Hinn Tent Revival Speakers

William Hinn

William is the Senior Pastor of Risen Nation Church alongside his wife Emily; he also travels extensively as an international speaker. . .

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Dr. Solomon Kepkey Tent Revival Speaker

Dr. Solomon Kepkey

Solomon was born into a Christian Family and at age 6 committed his life to Christ. As a son of Pastors. . .

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