Prophetic Workshop

January 28-29th 6:00 pm

Vineyard Aurora 505 E Galena Blvd Aurora, IL 60505

Special Guests Solomon Kepkey, Charles & Evon Green.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Donna Williams says:

    Last year in February I went to your woman’s conference. Anyway on Saturday I was having lunch with a bunch of ladies I didn’t know. I was telling one of the ladies about being estranged from our daughter and 2 granddaughters. It was close to 5 years. since I’d seen and talked to any of them . When I was done talking and we were done with lunch the girl sitting next to me asked if we could pray for Sara. I said sure. ( Thank you Lord). So she prayed with me, and I knew something had shifted. The very next day Sara contacted my mom. That night as we were having dinner my hubby got a text from her. Long story short, “We talked to her for 3 hours that night.” The very next day. After almost 5 years of praying for them, God moved. Having them all back with us has been miraculous and absolutely wonderful!! It’s great to have kids running around again! Thank you for your anointing that destroys yokes and brings about restoration. So thank you for your ministry! Look forward to seeing you all soon!

  • Kate Derrico says:

    I can only come Sat after lunch, is that ok?

  • Mary Sanders says:

    I am excited to see what God has planned for us.

    Thank you
    Kind regards
    Mary Sanders

  • Leith Middleton says:

    Looking so forward to this time
    God Bless Leith

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