Purchase Arise EP
Note: MP3 files will be emailed directly to you after payment. There may be a delay in receiving them as Sarah and her team handle that step manually.
About Arise EP
Hi! My name is Sarah Cull. I am a wife, mom, & worshiper. But most of all I am a lover of Jesus and daughter of the King!
My story is simple.
I grew up in an amazing Christian family and a Spirit-filled church. I was blessed to never go through a season of rebellion. Thank you Jesus! But… growing up with Jesus as my norm caused Him and the gospel to become familiar. Commonplace. Routine. “Just what we did”. It wasn’t until age 33, when I was going through a super difficult season in my life, that I realized that, all this time, I had been operating in religion ~ not relationship. I had finally encountered Jesus for myself. I had finally believed for myself. I had finally fallen in love with Jesus for myself. I no longer went to church because “that’s what good Christian girls do” but now I went to church with eager anticipation. Excited to meet with my Jesus!
When it comes to writing songs, I only know how to write from my personal relationship with Jesus. My songs are really intimate heart prayers set to melody. These songs are birthed in the Secret Place. I wrote my first two songs, Purify and Offering, over 10 years ago. They came out of that difficult season I spoke of earlier. But then that was it. I didn’t really write anymore. God began prompting me to pick up that pen and write again. God had also been speaking to me directly and through others to record an album. Out of fear, I pushed it off for years and years. It took the encouragement of one godly man, who encountered me with the Father’s love, to get me to finally say, “Ok God, I’ll do it”.
So, here we are! My son Levi and I recorded this sample album to help raise funds to get into a professional recording studio where we will then record a full album. I am very proud as Levi played EVERY instrument in this sample album and my daughter Zoe has a couple harmony moments as well. This was truly a family project and a total blessing to this Mama! I pray that as you listen YOU are blessed as well. I pray that these songs draw you closer to the heart of our beautiful Savior. Intimacy with Jesus… it’s what it’s all about. 
Purchase Arise EP
Note: MP3 files will be emailed directly to you after payment. There may be a delay in receiving them as Sarah and her team handle that step manually.