GGG 2022 | Foundations | Saturday
Today has been a day of deep worship. There is something so powerful that happens when the body of Christ gathers together to worship her Creator. Even this morning, our tent was full from front to back, filled with people excited to be worshiping our God. We are so grateful for everyone who has attended so far.
Worship today has been a fire of holy reverence. We have gathered together to worship Him and we know he always meets us when we come to Him. You could feel His soft, sweet presence filling the room. People were getting touched by His Spirit and getting on their knees to cry before Him.
For our first session of the day, Eric Gilmour shared his wisdom with us. He shared how when we add to the Gospel it’s no longer pure so we must keep Jesus at the center of everything.
While we were singing the song “One Drop” by Ryan Henry the power went out, but it did not stop the worshipers from worshiping. The electricity was gone but the power intensified as people sang louder and danced and sang. Everyone began to chant together: “One drop of his blood is enough for me to be free” and the power outage did not stop the momentum.
We had ministry time with William Hinn, and Eric Gilmour, and Dr Charles & Evon Green and it was an amazing time full of wisdom and Holy Spirit power.
This afternoon, we baptized 7 people in the lake and it was such a beautiful time together with celebrating the people who were newly baptized. We are so thankful to everyone who came out today and we’re looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow morning.
The Hinckley Coffeehouse will still be on location tomorrow morning so come get coffee before the session!