To All Our Ministry Partners,
It is that time of year when we sit back and look at all God did during the year. A time to remember, a time to be thankful, and a time to consider what the next year will look like. This year was definitely like no other; it was better! In the midst of what went on in the world that we see with our natural eyes, the Kingdom of God has advanced. Many eyes and ears were open to hear the voice of The Lord. His people are being set into place.
GGG has grown tremendously in 2020. We had our annual tent meeting (revival) in July. It was so powerful! There were more people that came this year than any other year. So many were healed, set free, activated into ministry, rededicated their lives to living for Him. Maria Mejia came in from Costa Rica to share a dream the Lord gave her. It was called Rumors of War. It was a dream that was specific for GGG 2020. God was calling us to take our place. To not sit back and be disconnected, but to get into line with His plan and His purposes, to move forward, to take our place. That was a powerful moment when the dream was released. We are His warriors and many came into agreement with taking their place. Our speakers this year were Solomon Kepkey, William Hinn, and Theo Koulianos Jr. Charles & Evon Green joined us and released the prophetic to individual people. We love them all; they have been and continue to be a blessing to GGG.
In June, we started a monthly event held outdoors on our property called “The Gathering”. It’s very similar to our yearly tent revival, except it’s just for one evening. The body of Christ gathered together for a meal, fellowship, worship, and hearing the Word. We held it in June, August, September, and October. Many people came each month with lawn chairs to worship the King of Kings together! It was amazing! God was lifted up, people were healed, set free, and set on fire for the Kingdom. Out of this monthly gathering was birthed a weekly gathering on Sunday evenings that will begin early 2021: “The Gathering”. We are currently looking for an indoor location for that. We will keep you updated as we have more information.
Each Friday night, we meet with our core leadership group and a few other leaders from local area churches. We share a meal together, fellowship, worship, pray, and hear what God has to say. This is an amazing time of refreshing leaders and precious bonds have been made.
Coming up February 19-20, 2021 we are having our first ever women’s conference: Arise: Take Your Place! This will be a powerful time of women knowing who God says they are and taking their place in His Kingdom for such a time as this! Many Deborah’s and Esther’s are coming forth in this time. Warrior boots are hitting the ground. More information on this event will be coming in the next week or two.
The dates for GGG 2021 have been set! Mark your calendars for July 23-25. More information will come out over the next few months.
God has done so many amazing things this year and we are so grateful. He has molded us, shaped us, given us marching orders, given us vision, gathered us up to Him, and poured out His love. We love Him and wouldn’t want life without Him! We pray as you look back over 2020 that you remember the goodness of God and look for His hand in everything. Seek Him and you shall find Him!
GGG Ministry is a non-for profit ministry. For year end giving, please go to our website www.gggministry.com and click on give. If you prefer to send a check in the mail please send to:
GGG Ministry
7705 Waterman Rd
Waterman, IL 60556.
All donations are tax deductible. As you pour out, He fills. We are grateful for each donation and each prayer.
God bless you all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to all God will do through GGG Ministry in 2021 and look forward to seeing each of you! You are all blessings, you are all The Beloved, you are all Highly Favored and Blessed.
In His Service,
Gary & Gail York